316 S Whitcomb
introducing Scripted services!
Our pharmacists can prescribe for select conditions.
See our blog post below or click this link for more info

RX Transfers & REFILls
We make transferring prescriptions from another pharmacy easy. Contact us with your name, date of birth, previous pharmacy and which prescriptions you would like to transfer.
To order a new prescription, ask your doctor to send your prescription to us via e-script or fax. You can also bring in a hard copy prescription. If you have not filled with us before, we will need some basic information to fill your prescription: your name, date of birth, contact information and insurance information.
If you need a refill, you can request a refill by doing one of the following:
1) Call us and follow the prompts on our phone system
2) Click the Request Refill Button below and sign up for an account. You can view your prescriptions, pay your bill, request refills and print a summary of prescriptions/copays. Once you sign up for the account, we will approve it in our system and you will be ready to go! If you need help signing up for an account, let us know and we will assist you.