Updated 3/31/22: Our COVID tests are out of stock. Review the link below for travel requirements. Beginning 4/1/22, fully vaccinated travelers are no longer required to have a pre-entry test when visiting Canada.
Have you heard the great news? Canada has changed their COVID-19 travel restrictions and a professionally administered or observed Rapid Antigen Test is now an eligible test for border crossing. Please go to the following link for up to date information on Canada requirements: https://travel.gc.ca/travel-covid/travel-restrictions/wizard-start

We offer professionally observed over-the-counter rapid COVID testing on a walk in basis Wednesday - Saturday 10am-2pm. Our staff are busy filling prescriptions so testing will be done as they are available to observe the test. The cost of a test plus observation is $35 US and is based on availability of tests. Our website will be updated with our test availability to help with travel planning.
If you would prefer to have the test administered by a licensed test site in Washington, our sister pharmacy in Oroville, Lakeside Pharmacy, is offering lab rapid tests by appointment for $45. You can get more information on the testing they have available at their website https://www.lakesidepharmacyoroville.com